20 Fantastiska Och Snabba Uppdaterade Frisyrer


Video: 20 Fantastiska Och Snabba Uppdaterade Frisyrer

Video: 20 Fantastiska Och Snabba Uppdaterade Frisyrer
Video: 2 MINUTER FRISYR - Bohemisk och söt uppsättning 2024, Maj
20 Fantastiska Och Snabba Uppdaterade Frisyrer
20 Fantastiska Och Snabba Uppdaterade Frisyrer

Jag har bråttom och mitt hår är en röra! Det har varit dagar där jag efter 8 timmars arbete måste skynda mig till en informell händelse utan någon tid att byta frisyr. En enkel toppknut eller en flätad bulle har alltid varit min räddande nåd i dessa tider. Jag har nollställt några updo-frisyrer som kan få ditt hår att se underbart ut - oavsett om det är på college, en intervju eller en fest.

Uppdateringar är otroligt snygga. Men hur vet du att du har valt rätt? Ditt val av uppdatering bör bestämmas av din ansiktsform.

Hur man väljer en uppdatering enligt din ansiktsform

Runt ansikte:

Försök med lösa och voluminösa uppdateringar eftersom de får ditt ansikte att se smalt ut. Uppdateringar med fjäderlånga smällar och djupa sidosvepade smällar gör att ditt ansikte ser långt ut. Täta höga uppdateringar är ett stort nej-nej om du inte lägger till smäll.

Fyrkantigt ansikte:

En låg uppdatering gör att din käklinje ser smal ut och uppmärksammar dina kindben. Håll dig borta från höga täta uppdateringar eftersom de kan få din panna att se bredare ut än den är.

Diamond Face:

Ett diamantansikte har skarpa egenskaper som ibland kan vara hårda. Så arbeta med uppdateringar som får ditt ansikte att se mjukt ut. Låt några lösa strängar rama in ditt ansikte. Akta dig för bullar som kan få käken att se ut för skarp eller tunn. Välj höga eller mellanstora bullar över lösa låga sidobullar.

Ovalt ansikte:

Alla uppdateringar ser bra ut på ovala ansikten. Om du vill framhäva dina ögon, kindben och panna, välj en tät hög / mittbulle med fjäder eller avsmalnande lugg. Om du vill markera din käftlinje, välj en låg bulle.

Hjärtformat ansikte:

Prova uppdateringar med lugg, helst sidosvepade lugg. De täcker bredden på pannan så att den ser mindre ut än den är.

Inverterad triangel ansikte:

Uppdateringar med lugg kommer att göra underverk för denna ansiktsform. Smällen hjälper till att täcka pannan, men inte helt.

Triangel ansikte:

Lågvågiga sidobullar som maskerade som långa bobbar ser fantastiska ut i ett triangeln. Detta gör att käftlinjen verkar smal och vidgar pannan och kindbenen.

Snopen min:

Prova mellanhöga och låga bullar. En hög bulle gör att ditt ansikte verkar för långsträckt. En voluminös mittuppdatering utan smäll kommer att se otrolig ut eftersom den lyfter fram kindbenen och pannan.

Stor panna:

Om du har en hög panna, kommer alla uppdateringar med smäll att fungera bra för att täcka hela pannans bredd. Bangs som betar dina ögonbryn och avsmalnar när de når sidorna av ditt ansikte kommer att se bra ut.

Kort panna:

Om du har en kort panna, överväga höga bullar eftersom de kommer att lägga höjd i ditt ansikte. Prova lutande fransar med dina uppdateringar eftersom de får din panna att se större ut än den är.

Nu när du vet vilka uppdateringar som kommer att smickra dina ansiktsegenskaper, här är 20 fantastiska uppdateringar som du kan prova.

20 fantastiska och snabba uppdaterade frisyrer för damer

1. Twist And Wrap

Updo Frisyrer - Twist And Wrap
Updo Frisyrer - Twist And Wrap


Vad du behöver
  • Hårnålar
  • Snurrstift
  • Elastiska band
  • Hårkam
  1. Dela upp håret i tre sektioner - två sidosektioner och en mittdel. Knyt mittavsnittet i en hästsvans.
  2. Vik in den mittersta hästsvansen i en bulle och använd en snurrklämma för att säkra den på plats.
  3. Ta en av sidosektionerna och dela den i två halvor.
  4. Vrid den bakre halvan och linda den ovanför bullen.
  5. Vrid den främre halvan och linda den under bullen. Säkra de inslagna delarna med hårnålar.
  6. Repeat the same steps with the other side section to finish off the look.

2. The Curly Mess

Updo Hairstyles - The Curly Mess
Updo Hairstyles - The Curly Mess


What You Need
  • Hair dryer
  • Round brush
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  • Curling iron
  • Hairspray
  1. Wash your hair and use a hairdryer and round brush to dry it.
  2. Using a curling iron, curl the lower half of your hair. Make sure you wait for five seconds before you remove your hair from the curler. Allow your curled hair to cool down before touching it.
  3. Part your hair on one side. Then, take some hair from the crown of your head and backcomb it. This will add some volume to your updo.
  4. Divide your hair into sections. Fold and wrap each section to the side of your head (below the ear) in such a way that only the curly or wavy ends are seen. To keep it in place, secure each section with a pin.
  5. Spritz on a good amount of hairspray over the updo to keep it in place.

3. The Braided Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Braided Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Braided Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Divide your hair into two halves from the center to the nape of your neck with your hand.
  2. Braid each section and tie the braids with elastic bands.
  3. Take one braid and wrap it along the curve at the back of your head.
  4. Repeat the same with the other braid.
  5. Secure both the braids with hair pins.
  6. You can also decorate this updo with simple beads to add an elegant touch.

4. The Top Half Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Top Half Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Top Half Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  • Curling iron
  1. Divide your hair into two halves. Keep the top part in one half, and the middle and lower parts in the lower half.
  2. Tie the lower half into a ponytail.
  3. Twirl this ponytail into a bun and use hair pins to secure it in place.
  4. Curl the top half of hair. Allow the curls to cool before you touch them.
  5. If you only want slight waves, keep your hair in the curler for about 3 seconds. If you want full curls, hold your hair in the curler for about 7-8 seconds.
  6. Take the sides of the top half and pin them up above and around the bun.
  7. Slowly start wrapping the curled sections of hair around the bun, leaving the ends to fall loose and cover it. Do this in such a way that the entire bun is covered and only the curly ends are seen. Keep the updo in place with pins.

5. The Wrap Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Wrap Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Wrap Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Part your hair on one side.
  2. Leave the front section out and tie the rest of your hair in a ponytail using an elastic band.
  3. Take one small section of hair from the ponytail and wrap it loosely around the elastic band. Pin the ends within the wrap with a hair pin.
  4. Repeat the same with the rest of the ponytail until you’ve reached the final bit of hair that comes out at the center.
  5. Take the remaining hair from the ponytail and wrap it around the base to form a bun. Pin it in place.
  6. Take the front section of hair, wrap it neatly around the base of the bun, and pin it in place.

6. The Faux Dutch Braid Mohawk

Updo Hairstyles - The Faux Dutch Braid Mohawk
Updo Hairstyles - The Faux Dutch Braid Mohawk


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Pick up all the hair from the front and divide it into three sections. Twirl the three sections and push them up a bit to create a pouf on the top of your head. Pin the pouf in place.
  2. Begin weaving the three sections into a Dutch braid.
  3. Braid the middle section over the side sections.
  4. Keep adding hair to the braid from the loose hair that is outside the braid.
  5. Once you have run out of hair to add to the Dutch braid, simply braid your hair till the end and tie it with an elastic band.
  6. Pancake the entire braid. To pancake the braid, slowly tug at parts of the braid to make it appear larger than it is.
  7. Take the end of the braid and fold it underneath it, pinning it in place. If you have long hair, you can fold the braid over itself and pin it in place.
  8. Pin your hair to the sides to keep the faux mohawk braid in place.

7. The 5-Minute Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The 5-Minute Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The 5-Minute Bun


What Do You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Detangle your hair by combing it.
  2. Divide your hair into two halves – a top half and a bottom half. Clip away the top half.
  3. Tie the bottom half into a ponytail and then wrap it around itself to form a bun. Tuck the ends into the elastic band of the ponytail. You can also add pins to secure it.
  4. Unclip the top section of hair and divide it into five sections – two on each side, and one at the crown. Tie these sections into ponytails.
  5. Topsy-tail all the ponytails by flipping them through the section of hair above where they are tied. This will create a slight twist above the elastic band. Do this for all five ponytails.
  6. Pancake the flips as well.
  7. Now, take the middle ponytail and pull the elastic band a little low as the rest of the ponytails will need to pass through it.
  8. Pass all four ponytails through the section of hair above the middle ponytail. Leave only the ends to fall loose.
  9. Twist the loose ends, wrap them around the bun, and pin them in place.
  10. After this, carefully pancake the twists to soften the updo.

8. The Twist And Tuck

Updo Hairstyles - The Twist And Tuck
Updo Hairstyles - The Twist And Tuck


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  • Hairspray
  1. Comb your hair to detangle it.
  2. Spritz some hairspray all over your hair. Use it generously as it will help keep the updo intact.
  3. Spritz a good amount of volume spray as well. This will make your hair look lush and thick.
  4. Pick up some hair from both sides and tie it into a half ponytail.
  5. Flip the ponytail, i.e., pass the ponytail through the hair just above the elastic band. This will create a twist above the elastic band.
  6. Tie the rest of your hair (including the half ponytail) into three low ponytails.
  7. Now, take the middle ponytail and twist it and pass it through the half ponytail (the same way you flipped the half ponytail before). Don’t pull all the hair through. This will form a bun. Pin the ends within the bun.
  8. Repeat the same with the other two ponytails. Don’t forget to pin the ends within the bun.
  9. Apply hairspray again to hold the updo in place.

9. The Twisted Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Twisted Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Twisted Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Rat tail comb
  1. Detangle your hair using a comb.
  2. Divide your hair vertically into two halves with a rat tail comb.
  3. Tie your hair in a knot, passing one side over the other and then through it.
  4. Then, twist and wrap one side of your hair over the knot. Make sure the twists and wraps are tight. Pin it in place.
  5. Repeat the same for the other section of hair.
  6. If you want to add height to your face, you can tease your hair at the crown and pin it up just before you divide your hair.

10. The Dutch Braid Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Dutch Braid Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Dutch Braid Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Take a section of hair from the front and begin weaving it into a Dutch braid. A Dutch braid is like a French braid, but instead of the middle section going under the side sections, it goes over the side sections. This creates an inverse French braid look.
  2. As you weave, keeping adding hair to the sides of the braid.
  3. Stop weaving the braid once you reach the nape of your neck. Tie an elastic band around the braid to keep it in place.
  4. Pancake the braid neatly and carefully.
  5. Take the ends of your hair and wrap it neatly around itself to form a bun and pin it in place.

11. The Great Gatsby

Updo Hairstyles - The Great Gatsby
Updo Hairstyles - The Great Gatsby


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Thin head band
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  • Hairspray
  1. Detangle your hair and part it down the middle.
  2. Take a thin headband and neatly place it around your head.
  3. Tease the front section of your hair by backcombing it.
  4. Pass the front of your hair through the elastic band and pin the ends.
  5. Repeat the same for all sections of your hair, pinning all the ends in place underneath the elastic band.
  6. Accessorize your hair with simple flowers to add to the look. Apply hairspray to keep it in place.

12. The Messy Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Messy Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Messy Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  • Hairspray
  1. Detangle your hair and tie it in a ponytail.
  2. Don’t let the ends pass through completely at the last twist of the elastic band. This will create a bun, while the ends of your hair hang loosely from the ponytail.
  3. Take the ends and wrap them around the base of the bun and pin it in place.
  4. You can spray some hairspray on the updo to keep it intact.

13. The Wound Up Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Wound Up Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Wound Up Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Detangle your hair and pick up the front section of hair, leaving the rest.
  2. Divide that section into three sections: two side sections and one middle section. Now, take one of the side sections and divide it into three. Begin weaving a braid on the other side. After a stitch (one weave of the braid), blend the middle part of hair with one side and take a new section of hair to make it the middle section.
  3. Keeping doing this all through the end of your hair. But while you weave the braid, make sure it remains along the curve of your head until you reach the other side.
  4. Braid the hair normally, still adding in hair until you reach the ends.
  5. Wrap the braid around itself with the ends pinned at the center to create a bun.

14. The Twisted Sister

Updo Hairstyles - The Twisted Sister
Updo Hairstyles - The Twisted Sister


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Start this updo with damp hair. Comb your hair, spritz some hairspray on it, and using a curler, create waves in your hair. This means that you have to keep your hair in the curler for about 5 seconds and then wait for it to cool. Once it is cool, spray some hairspray on it and leave for about 10 seconds. After this, run your fingers (not a brush or comb) through your hair.
  2. Divide your hair into two halves – a top half and a bottom half. Clip the top half. Wrap the lower half into a low messy bun.
  3. Unclip the top half and divide it four sections of hair, leaving the front section clipped. Take one of the four sections, twist it, and pin it over the messy bun. Repeat the same for all the other sections, pinning each section alternately above the other.
  4. Take the front section of hair and tease it to create a pouf. Twist the ends of the pouf and pin them neatly within the twists.

15. The Complicated Twisted Sister

Updo Hairstyles - The Complicated Twisted Sister
Updo Hairstyles - The Complicated Twisted Sister


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Detangle your hair using a brush. Take some hair from the sides and tie a half ponytail.
  2. Flip your ponytail by passing it through itself just above the elastic band. This creates twists at the top.
  3. Take some hair from the sides and tie another half ponytail just below the first half ponytail. Flip this ponytail as well.
  4. Take the rest of your hair (including the remaining hair from both the half ponytails) and tie it into a low ponytail near the nape of your neck. While tying the ponytail, don’t allow all the hair to pass through. This will form a small bun with loose ends.
  5. Take the ends and wrap them around the bun neatly, pinning them in place.

16. The Twist-In Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Twist-In Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Twist-In Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Divide your hair into three sections – two side sections and a large middle section. Tie the middle section in a ponytail.
  2. Flip the ponytail within itself.
  3. Take the side parts and tie them into a ponytail.
  4. Tuck that ponytail into the first ponytail, allowing the hair to fall loose and merge with the hair from the first ponytail.
  5. Tie the rest of your hair at the end.
  6. Flip over the hair and pin it up underneath the first flip.
  7. Using pins, adjust any loose strands and the bun itself to set it in place.

17. The Fishtail Braid Low Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Fishtail Braid Low Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Fishtail Braid Low Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Detangle your hair and part it on one side.
  2. Take a section of hair from one side and fishtail braid it till the end. For a fishtail braid, divide the section into two halves. Alternately, pick up some hair from the corners of the halves and switch them so that the corner piece from one braid reaches the inner side of the other section. Tie the ends with an elastic band.
  3. Leaving out the fishtail braid, take the rest of your hair in a low ponytail.
  4. Using an elastic band, tie a low ponytail. While tying the elastic band at the end, don’t let the hair pass through completely. This step creates a small bun while the rest of your hair hangs loose.
  5. Take a small section of hair from the hair that is hanging loose and fold it loosely over the bun. Use a pin to hold it in place. Do the same for the rest of hair as well.
  6. You can fold the hair into a bun. Or you can use the sections of hair to create elaborate and intricate designs.

18. The Simple Braid Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Simple Braid Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Simple Braid Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  1. Tie your hair in a low ponytail and topsy-tail it twice.
  2. Braid the rest of your hair and tie it at the end. If you want to get creative, you can try other braid patterns out.
  3. Pancake the braid to make it look loose.
  4. Fold the braid up, tucking the ends within the elastic band of the first ponytail, and pin it in place.
  5. Arrange the braid and pin it up so that it looks like a three-part bun.

19. The Valentine Special

Updo Hairstyles - The Valentine Special
Updo Hairstyles - The Valentine Special


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  • This hairstyle requires textured hair for it to look amazing. So, either curl your hair or try this hairstyle on unwashed hair.
  • Divide your hair into three sections and tie them in three low ponytails.
  • Braid each ponytail until the end, securing them with elastic bands.
  • Pancake the braids.
  • Fold the first braid within the ponytail’s elastic band. Repeat the same with the other two braids. This forms three braided buns.
  • Using pins, join the three braided buns together. Allow strands to fall free as this will add to the style of the updo.

20. The Messy Fishtail Braided Bun

Updo Hairstyles - The Messy Fishtail Braided Bun
Updo Hairstyles - The Messy Fishtail Braided Bun


What You Need
  • Hair pins
  • Elastic bands
  • Comb
  • Curling iron
  • Hairspray
  1. Curl your hair and spritz on some hairspray to keep it in place.
  2. Braid your entire hair into a side fishtail braid. For a fishtail braid, divide the hair into two sections. Alternately pick some hair from the corners of the sections and switch them so that the corner piece from one section reaches the inner part of the other section. Secure the ends with an elastic band. Tie the braid a little loose.
  3. Pancake the entire braid by tugging at each stitch of the braid to make it look wider.
  4. You can wrap the braid around itself on the side, just below the ear. Pin it to hold it in place.

These quick updos look elegant and are oh-so-easy to do. However, you do need to take some measures to ensure that they last throughout the day. So, here are a few tips to maintain your updo.

How To Maintain An Updo

  • Make sure you pin your hair tight. Use pins that are the same color as your hair. For some updos, you’ll need a lot of pins, and it looks better if they’re all the same color as your hair. A key to holding pins and clips in place is to criss-cross them. This keeps them tightly intact.
  • This is a law to live by! Hairspray will keep your updo in place for hours. If you feel like your updo is losing its hold, carry a travel-size hairspray in your bag.
  • Spraya hårspray på en stor pulverborste och borsta den sedan på sidorna och toppen av håret. Detta kommer att förvisa alla krusiduller och ge dig en flyaway-fri, snygg stil.
  • Bobby pins är de magiska enhörningarna som håller håret på plats. Men att mista dem med hårspray kan hjälpa dem att få ett säkrare grepp om ditt hår.
  • Bra konsistens innebär mer håll, varför frisörer alltid ber om att arbeta med hår som inte har nyligen schamponerats eftersom det är mycket hal. Om du har knarriga strängar kan du snabbt lägga till lite grepp med en textureringsprodukt (havssaltstråle gör underverk) för att göra håret smidigare och lättare att arbeta med.

Så vad väntar du på, damer? Vilken uppdatering har kittlat dina fantasier? Testa och kommentera nedan för att berätta hur det gick!


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