13 Bästa Fördelarna Med Kikärter För Hud, Hår Och Hälsa


Video: 13 Bästa Fördelarna Med Kikärter För Hud, Hår Och Hälsa

Video: 13 Bästa Fördelarna Med Kikärter För Hud, Hår Och Hälsa
Video: Vad du kan göra för att gå ner i vikt och få den perfekta kroppsformen 2024, April
13 Bästa Fördelarna Med Kikärter För Hud, Hår Och Hälsa
13 Bästa Fördelarna Med Kikärter För Hud, Hår Och Hälsa

Vill du ha en dubbel dos protein men är vegetarian?


Vill du omedelbart förbättra näringsvärdet för din kvällssallad?


Vill du förbereda ett utsökt eftermiddagsmat utan mycket krångel? Kikärtor!

Vi säger inget utöver detta. Gå vidare och kolla in det här inlägget.


Vad är kikärter?

Vad är kikärts historia?

Vad är näringsprofilen för kikärter?

Vilka är hälsofördelarna med kikärter?

Hur man införlivar kikärter i din kost

Några läckra kikärterecept?

Några roliga fakta om kikärter?

Hur man väljer och förvarar kikärter

Var kan man köpa kikärter?

Några biverkningar av kikärter?

Vad är kikärter?

Vetenskapligt benämnt Cicer arietinum, kikärter är en baljväxter som tillhör Fabaceae-familjen. Det är också känt som gram, Bengal gram, garbanzo (garbanzo bönor) och egyptisk ärta. Kikärter är exceptionellt höga i protein (vilket är vad det är främst känt för).

Kikärter kan i stort sett klassificeras i två typer - Desi och Kabuli. Desi-typen innehåller mindre och mörkare frön och har också en grov päls, medan Kabuli-typen vanligtvis är större, ljusare och har en mjukare päls. Vi har också svarta kikärter, även kallade kaala channa.

Det handlar lite om kikärter. Men ja, det är historia är något du definitivt måste veta.

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Vad är kikärts historia?

Kikärter är en av de tidigast odlade baljväxterna - rester så gamla som 7500 år hittades i Mellanöstern. Tama kikärter har hittats i neolitisk keramik i vissa delar av Turkiet.

Människor från forntiden hade också associerade kikärter med Venus eftersom ärtorna tros ge medicinska fördelar som att öka spermier och mjölk, provocera menstruation och till och med hjälpa njurstenbehandling. Ärterna var ganska populära bland grekerna, egyptierna och romarna. Och upptäcktsresande sprider ärtorna över hela världen när de reste över haven.

Så intressant som det kan bli användes även malte kikärter som ersättning för kaffe i Europa redan 1793. Och under första världskriget odlades kikärter för detta ändamål i delar av Tyskland. I vissa delar av världen bryggs de fortfarande i stället för kaffe.

Denna kikärta som vi har pratat om är fylld med näringsämnen (självklart - det är därför vi pratar om det). Och innan vi kommer till fördelarna, låt oss ta en titt på dem.

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Vad är näringsprofilen för kikärter (Garbanzo Beans)?

  • 14,5 gram protein (29% av det dagliga värdet)
  • 1,7 milligram mangan (84% av det dagliga värdet)
  • 282 mikrogram folat (71% av det dagliga värdet)
  • 0,6 milligram koppar (29% av det dagliga värdet)
  • 276 milligram fosfor (28% av det dagliga värdet)
  • 4,7 milligram järn (26% av det dagliga värdet)
  • 78,7 milligram magnesium (20% av det dagliga värdet)
  • 2,5 milligram zink (17% av det dagliga värdet)

Det finns flera andra viktiga näringsämnen också - och alla dessa kämpar för ett gemensamt mål - för att ge dig de bästa hälsofördelarna.

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Vilka är hälsofördelarna med kikärter (Garbanzo Beans)?

Kikärter, eller garbanzobönor, är superrika i protein och andra näringsämnen som vitaminerna B6 och C, folat, mangan och magnesium. De innehåller också kalcium och vissa mängder kalium (avgörande för hjärthälsan). Proteinet hjälper till att bygga muskelmassa och förbättrar cellernas hälsa medan magnesium, mangan och kalcium håller dina ben starka. C-vitamin förhindrar sjukdomar som cancer och främjar hudens hälsa. Och ja, järnet och folat fungerar bra under graviditeten.

1. Regulera blodsockernivåer

The glycemic index of chickpeas is 28, which is on the lower end. And that’s one reason it doesn’t spike your blood sugar levels. There’s some preliminary research that shows that individuals taking chickpeas can lower their risk of diabetes (1).

Consuming chickpeas in the place of wheat can also lead to lower postprandial blood glucose levels. And chickpeas are also rich in fiber – one nutrient that slows down the absorption of blood sugar, thereby cutting the risk of type 2 diabetes. This fiber can also control your appetite – and this helps you stay away from high GI foods that you might otherwise mindlessly snack on.

2. Help Lose Weight

The fiber makes this very obvious. It is going to make you feel full for long periods. And that is going to help you stay away from junk and other useless stuff. In fact, chickpeas might also help cut body fat – contributing to weight loss (2).

Another nutrient we must talk about is protein, which is known to regulate weight. Studies showed that subjects on high protein not only lost body weight, but were also able to shed more body fat. Also, protein’s thermic effect is 30 percent. This means that you will burn 30 percent of the calories during the digestion of protein.

Chickpeas are nutrient dense as well. So if you need to avoid certain foods to reach your weight loss goals, chickpeas can make sure you don’t fall behind when it comes to optimum nutrition.

3. Boost Digestive Health

It’s the fiber in the garbanzo beans, again. It helps prevent constipation and promotes regularity. The fiber also acts as a bulking agent in the digestive system, thereby improving the overall digestive health.

More importantly, fiber also helps balance the pH levels and the healthy gut bacteria. It also reduces the number of unhealthy bacteria in the gut.

Chickpeas also contain starch that might aid digestion.

4. Improve Heart Health

4. Improve Heart Health
4. Improve Heart Health

Chickpeas contain potassium, fiber, and vitamins C and B6 – all of which support heart health. The fiber helps lower the total cholesterol in the blood, reducing the risk of heart disease. It also removes plaque from the arteries and improves their health. This, in turn, benefits the heart.

Studies have shown that the soluble fiber in chickpeas can help prevent cardiovascular disease (3). And then, we have potassium, which, as per a study, can cut the risk of heart attacks (4).

The folate in chickpeas also contributes to heart health. It counteracts homocysteine, an amino acid that helps in the formation of blood clots (5). And this can have benefits for the heart.

5. Help Prevent Cancer

Though selenium is not found in most fruits and vegetables, we can find it in chickpeas. This mineral helps the liver function properly, enabling it to detoxify certain cancer-causing compounds in the body. Selenium also suppresses inflammation and prevents tumor growths.

The folate in garbanzo beans has a role to play in DNA synthesis and repair. This is why it prevents the formation of cancer cells from mutations in the DNA. Chickpeas contain phytochemicals called saponins, which also prevent the multiplication and proliferation of cancer cells.

The fiber in chickpeas helps lower the risk of colorectal cancer as well. And the vitamin C works as an antioxidant that fights the free radicals and prevents cancer altogether.

Studies have found that taking isoflavones (which chickpeas contain) can cut the risk of breast cancer (6).

6. Great Source Of Protein

Chickpeas are one of the greatest sources of plant-based protein. One cup of chickpeas contains about 15 grams of protein. This protein is important for almost all functions of your body – right from improving the health of the vital organs, muscles, and tissues to slowing down the aging process. Protein also helps control blood sugar levels and creates hemoglobin and important antibodies. It also helps heal injuries and wounds.

But ensure you combine chickpeas with other sources of protein as they are an incomplete protein (which means they don’t contain all the amino acids required by the body). However, the protein quality in chickpeas is considered much better than that of pulses (7).

7. Rich In Important Nutrients

Chickpeas are also good sources of magnesium, manganese, zinc, and iron. They also contain good amounts of B vitamins and vitamin A (as beta-carotene).

The magnesium, manganese, and B vitamins (vitamin B6) help deal with the symptoms of PMS. Magnesium and manganese, along with zinc, contribute to bone health as well.

The iron in chickpeas fights fatigue and improves the quality of your blood. It prevents anemia and can also combat hair fall. The vitamin A improves skin and eye health. It is known to prevent severe eye ailments like cataracts and macular degeneration.

8. Eliminate Wrinkles

This can be attributed to the manganese in garbanzo beans, which offers energy to cells and is known to fight free radicals that can cause wrinkles. And the B vitamins work as fuel for the cells.

You can also use chickpeas to cleanse your face. Simply mix chickpea paste with turmeric and apply the mixture to your face in the morning. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash off with cold water. This remedy also helps reduce age spots and brighten your face.

9. Prevent Hair Loss

Given that chickpeas are rich in protein, they can prevent hair loss. And the manganese they contain can strengthen your hair. A deficiency in manganese can also lead to slower hair growth.

The vitamin A and zinc in chickpeas also fight dandruff. You can simply mix 6 tablespoons of mashed chickpeas with water and massage into your scalp. Let it sit for 15 minutes before you rinse as usual.

The zinc in chickpeas might also help prevent hair thinning. And the copper in them might help regrow hair (in individuals who lost hair due to medical treatments like chemotherapy).

10. Improve Eye Health

We already discussed the beta-carotene in chickpeas, which can boost vision health. And then, we have zinc, which is another essential nutrient for vision. It helps in transporting vitamin A from the liver to the retina (8).

Zinc might also help prevent the progression of macular degeneration (9).

11. Strengthen The Bones

12. Strengthen The Bones
12. Strengthen The Bones

Garbanzo beans contain calcium, and we know how important calcium is for the bones. More importantly, chickpeas also contain magnesium – another mineral your body uses (along with calcium) for building bones (10).

Other minerals in chickpeas that improve bone health include manganese, zinc, vitamin K – and all of these help maintain the bone structure. They also contain phosphate, which, along with calcium, greatly contributes to proper bone mineralization. And by the way, intake of too much phosphorus with too little calcium can lead to bone loss.

The vitamin K in chickpeas also improves calcium absorption. Low levels of vitamin K are often linked to bone fractures. And the iron and zinc in chickpeas are important for the production and maturation of collagen, another important protein that supports the health of bones and cartilages.

12. Support Pregnancy

Yes, it’s folate. But even before that, chickpeas also contain fiber, protein, iron, and calcium – nutrients that are all the more essential during pregnancy.

Talking about folate, it is the most important nutrient during pregnancy. It is indispensable for the health of the mother and the fetus. It also cuts the down the risk of neural tube defects and low birth weight. Insufficient folate during pregnancy can also put the child at a risk of infections and disease at a later point in life (11).

13. Help Reduce Inflammation

Garbanzo beans are legumes – and studies show that having at least 4 servings of chickpeas a week can cut the chances of inflammation. It can also significantly improve certain metabolic features (12).

Other nutrients in chickpeas, like vitamins A, C, and B6, fiber, protein, magnesium, selenium, and iron – all of these also help fight inflammation (13).

You saw the benefits of chickpeas. But what’s the point if you don’t include them in your diet?

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How To Incorporate Chickpeas Into Your Diet

Chickpeas are available all year. You can find them in grocery stores either dried, canned or packaged. And given that they have a nutty texture, they can easily be incorporated into one’s diet.

  • You can toss chickpeas along with other legumes into a bean salad for a protein-packed snack.
  • You can use chickpea flour to bake your favorite dishes.
  • You can also add chickpeas to your evening vegetable soup.
  • You can even mix chickpeas with any favorite spices for a delicious side dish or snack.
  • Or have chickpea burgers! Simply add them to your burger and enjoy a nutritious treat.

In case you are wondering how to cook chickpeas, well, it’s simple. You can boil them or even cook them along with your other dishes. They can go well with almost anything that you eat.

Well, that’s some of the ways. And there is another way. Just try these recipes out!

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Any Delicious Chickpea Recipes?

1. Roasted Chickpeas

What You Need
  • 1 can of drained chickpeas (12 ounces)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt, garlic salt, or cayenne pepper (optional)
  1. Preheat the oven to 450o F.
  2. Firstly, blot the chickpeas with a paper towel to dry them.
  3. In a bowl, toss the chickpeas along with the olive oil. Season with salt, garlic salt, and cayenne pepper.
  4. Spread on a baking sheet and bake for about half an hour.
  5. Watch the chickpeas for the last few minutes to avoid burning.

2. Classic Chickpea Hummus

What You Need
  • 1 15½ oz canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  • ½ cup of well-mixed tahini
  • 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 finely grated garlic clove
  • ¾ teaspoon of kosher salt
  • 10 cranks of freshly ground black pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon of ground cumin
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (you can take a little more for drizzling)
  • Sesame seeds, for serving
  1. Process the chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper, and cumin along with two tablespoons of water in a food processor until you obtain a smooth mixture. You can also use a blender for this purpose.
  2. Now, with the motor running, stream in three tablespoons of olive oil.
  3. Continue to process until the hummus turns light and creamy.
  4. Season with salt and pepper, if needed.
  5. You can serve with sesame seeds.

How about something fun and light about chickpeas?

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Any Fun Facts About Chickpeas?

  • India is the world leader in chickpea production – with a staggering annual production of 8,832,500 metric tons on an average.
  • Chickpeas are called chickpeas because they resemble the beak of a chick.
  • Chickpeas are the most consumed legumes in the world.
  • The discarded stems of the chickpea plant are used as animal fodder.
  • The leaves of the chickpea plant are used for the manufacture of blue dyes.

There’s something else you need to know. Say, you are out to shop for chickpeas. What do you need to keep in mind?

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How To Select And Store Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)


Choose dried chickpeas. Or choose canned chickpeas with less sodium. If you are going for dried chickpeas (which is what we recommend), select those that are dry, clean, and uniform in color. And ensure they are not shriveled.


Store dried chickpeas at room temperature in a closed container. You must protect them from moisture and pets. If it is canned beans, store them at room temperature. And use them before the date on the can.

Ah well, where do you get ’em?

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Where To Buy Chickpeas?

You can pick them up from your nearest grocery store. Or go check them out online at Amazon or Walmart.

Alright. We saw everything glorious about chickpeas. But we also must know the ways they can negatively affect our health.

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Any Side Effects Of Chickpeas?

Issues With High Fiber Intake

Chickpeas are high in fiber. Increasing fiber intake all of a sudden can lead to upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, and bloating. It might also lead to stomach cramps, though they usually subside within a few hours.

Legume Allergy

Chickpeas are a relative of soybeans, and hence might worsen your skin allergy. If you have a known legume allergy, stop use and talk to your doctor. Certain symptoms of legume allergy include nausea, diarrhea, skin itchiness, hives, headaches, and coughing.

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Chickpeas are a wonderful (and simple) addition to your diet. Include them in your routine today. And do leave a comment below. Tell us how you feel and help us serve you better.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Any difference between chickpeas and garbanzo beans?

No, they are not different.

Are chickpeas carb or protein?


What does chickpea taste like?

Chickpea has a nutty flavor and a slightly grainy texture.

Does chickpea flour have carbohydrates?

Pretty much, because the flour is made from the peas.

How much does a can of chickpeas cost?

The price can range from $2 to $3 a can.


1. “Effects of long-term consumption and single meals…”. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

2. “Beans, chickpeas may help with weight loss”. WebMD.

3. “The nutritional value and health benefits of chickpeas…”. US National Library of Medicine.

4. “Sodium and potassium intake and mortality…”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

5. “Eating rainbows”. Comprehensive Cancer Center, Michigan Medicine.

6. “Does consuming isoflavones reduce…”. US National Library of Medicine.

7. “Nutritional quality and health benefits of chickpea”. US National Library of Medicine.

8. “Foods to improve eyesight…”. Fox News.

9. “Top foods to help protect your vision”. Harvard Medical School.

10. “Calcium and strong bones”. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

11. “Effects of folate and…”. US National Library of Medicine.

12. “A legume-based hypocaloric diet…”. US National Library of Medicine.

13. “Roasted chickpeas”. Syracuse University.


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