Hampfröolja Fördelar: För Inflammation, Hjärthälsa, Diabetes Och Mer


Video: Hampfröolja Fördelar: För Inflammation, Hjärthälsa, Diabetes Och Mer

Video: Hampfröolja Fördelar: För Inflammation, Hjärthälsa, Diabetes Och Mer
Video: Vad är CBD-olja och hur fungerar det? 2024, Maj
Hampfröolja Fördelar: För Inflammation, Hjärthälsa, Diabetes Och Mer
Hampfröolja Fördelar: För Inflammation, Hjärthälsa, Diabetes Och Mer

Hampfröolja härrör från hampfrön, som är en del av cannabisväxten (marijuana). Oljan är rik på essentiella fettsyror och antioxidanter som kan hjälpa till att bekämpa inflammation och andra sjukdomar som är förknippade med den.

I motsats till vad som allmänt uppfattas orsakar oljan inga psykotropa reaktioner som marijuana. I det här inlägget kommer vi att diskutera vad vetenskapen säger om hälsofördelarna med hampfröolja.


  • Vad är hampfröolja? Vad är det bra för?
  • Vad är fördelarna med hampfröolja?
  • Vad är näringsprofilen för hampfröolja?
  • Är hampfröolja lagligt?
  • Vilka är biverkningarna av hampfröolja?

Vad är hampfröolja? Vad är det bra för?

Hampfröolja kommer från hampfrön. Även om marijuana kommer från samma växt innehåller hampafrön bara spårmängder THC (den mest aktiva ingrediensen i marijuana), och de blir inte höga.

Oljan är fylld med antioxidanter och antiinflammatoriska medel och andra essentiella fettsyror (som GLA), som alla är kända för att bekämpa sjukdomar som inflammatorisk artrit, cancer, diabetes och hjärtsjukdomar.

Visste du?

Du kan också använda hampfröolja för att lackera trä. Blanda lite olja med citronsaft och applicera den på färdigt trä med en bomullstuss.

Vad är fördelarna med hampfröolja?

1. Kan bekämpa inflammation

Hampfröolja är rik på GLA (gamma linolsyra), som är en omega-6-fettsyra som kan öka immuniteten och bekämpa inflammation.

Men både djur- och mänskliga studier behöver fortfarande dra slutsatsen hur effektiva de antiinflammatoriska egenskaperna hos hampfrön kan vara (1).

Oljan är också en bra källa till antiinflammatoriska föreningar, vilket kan hjälpa till att lindra artritiska symtom. Mer forskning krävs för att studera dess antiinflammatoriska effekter.

Hampfröolja, när den togs tillsammans med nattljusolja, visade sig förbättra symtomen hos individer med multipel skleros (vilket kan orsakas av inflammation) (2). Experter teoretiserar att det också kan hjälpa till vid behandling av fibromyalgi.

2. Kan öka hjärthälsan

En måltid som innehöll hampfrön visade sig hjälpa till att förhindra höga kolesterolnivåer. Resultaten kan tillskrivas de fleromättade fettsyrorna i fröna. Dessa frön (och deras olja) kan visa potential i behandlingen av hjärt-kärlsjukdomar (3).

Enligt en djurstudie visade sig hampfröolja minska kolesterolabsorptionen. En annan studie säger att att ta 30 ml av oljan varje dag i fyra veckor minskar förhållandet mellan totalt kolesterol och HDL-kolesterol (4). Detta kan främja hjärthälsan.

Man tror också att förutom fettsyrorna kan vissa andra bioaktiva föreningar som finns i hampfröolja också hjälpa till i detta avseende. Oljan har omega-6- och omega-3-fettsyror i det optimala förhållandet - 3: 5: 1 till 4: 2: 1, vilket verkar uppfylla de moderna standarderna för hälsosam kost (5).

3. Kan hjälpa till med diabetesbehandling

Diabetes är också kopplat till ett obalanserat intag av essentiella fettsyror. Eftersom hampolja är rik på essentiella fettsyror kan den fungera som en bra kompletterande behandling (6).

Vi behöver dock mer forskning innan vi drar slutsatsen att hampfröolja kan gynna diabetes. Rådfråga din läkare innan du använder oljan för detta ändamål.

4. Kan bidra till att minska risken för cancer

Tetrahydrocannabinol i hampfröolja kan hjälpa till att hämma vissa former av cancer. De flesta djurstudier har visat tumörhämmande verkan av tetrahydrocannabinol (7).

Vi behöver dock fler ytterligare försök för att förstå antitumöreffekterna av tetrahydrocannabinoland hampfröolja (7).

Andra studier har visat att cannabinoider härrörande från hampafrön kan hjälpa till vid behandling av lungcancer och bröst (8).

GLA och omega-3 i hampolja kan också hjälpa, men vi behöver mer forskning för att bekräfta resultaten.

5. Kan förbättra hjärnhälsan

Hampfröoljan innehåller cannabinoider. Studier visar att dessa kan hjälpa till att lindra ångest hos personer med en social ångestsyndrom (9).

Studier stöder också att inandning av hampaolja kan ha en avslappnande effekt på nervsystemet. Inandning av oljan (aromaterapi) tros förbättra humöret. Det finns en möjlighet att oljan också kan ha antidepressiva effekter (10).

De essentiella fettsyrorna i oljan kan också förbättra minnet och förhindra åldersrelaterad kognitiv nedgång. Ytterligare studier är motiverade för att komma fram till en slutsats.

6. Kan öka immuniteten

Oljan innehåller omega-3-fettsyror. Viss forskning visar att omega-3-fettsyror kan öka immuniteten och förbättra skyddet mot infektioner och andra relaterade sjukdomar (11).

7. Kan vara till nytta under graviditeten

Hampfröolja är också ett bra alternativ för alla gravida mammor. Återigen går en stor del av krediten till omega-3-fettsyrorna.

Enligt en amerikansk studie är tillräckligt intag av omega-3-fettsyror avgörande under graviditeten eftersom de är byggstenarna i fostrets hjärna och näthinnan. De spelar också en viktig roll för att förhindra perinatal depression (12).

Oljor som innehåller omega-3-fettsyror kan också hjälpa till att förhindra för tidig förlossning och främja en lättare födelse och barnets optimala livslånga välbefinnande (13).

Det finns dock mindre information om säkerheten för hampfröolja under graviditeten. Huruvida omega-3-fettsyrorna i oljan skulle gynna under graviditeten är också fortfarande en fråga om debatt. Därför rekommenderar vi att du konsulterar din läkare.

8. Kan förbättra matsmältningshälsan

Direct research on the efficacy of hemp seed oil on promoting digestive health is lacking. However, the EPA and DHA (in the omega-3s in the oil) were found to synthesize compounds called eicosanoids (14).

Some experts believe that these eicosanoids may regulate the secretion of digestive juices and hormones, thereby aiding the overall digestive process. However, sufficient research is lacking in this regard.

It also is believed that the small amount of protein in the oil is identical to the one present in our blood, which may help in alleviating digestive troubles (as the protein gets easily digested in the human body). More studies are warranted to establish this theory.

Did You Know?

In America, it was legal to pay taxes with hemp from the 1630s to the early 1800s.

9. May Be Useful For Skin Care

Hemp seed oil can help you get beautiful and healthy skin. It acts as a moisturizer and prevents your skin from becoming dry during the winters (15). In other words, it keeps your skin soft, fresh, and hydrated.

You can try applying hemp seed oil all over your body after taking a bath. You will notice the difference in a few days. However, we suggest you do a patch test first as anecdotal evidence suggests that hemp seed oil may cause allergies.

Some sources suggest that the oil does not clog your pores. Its linoleic acid may regulate sebum production. Lack of linoleic acid in the diet can provoke the sebum to clog our pores, which gives rise to blackheads, whiteheads, or acne lesions. In fact, those with acne had decreased concentrations of linoleic acid on the skin surface (16). You can wet your face, pat it dry, and apply the oil to the affected areas. Massage properly. Use it once a day.

You can use hemp seed oil in a similar way to removing makeup.

10. May Protect Skin From Disease

Dietary hemp seed oil may be used to treat atopic dermatitis. Studies attribute this therapeutic effect to the polyunsaturated fatty acids in hemp seed oil (17).

Some evidence suggests that hemp seed oil can also be used as a treatment for eczema. The oil strengthens the skin and makes it resistant to bacterial and fungal infections (18).

The essential fatty acids in the oil act may as an internal moisturizer, helping relieve eczema symptoms. Taking the oil thrice a day, along with applying it to the affected areas on the skin, could be beneficial. But since solid research is lacking in this regard, consult your doctor before using the oil for eczema treatment.

Using the oil every day for 20 weeks was also found to relieve the symptoms of dermatitis. This is especially true with the itching associated with the condition (17).

Some believe that the oil may also help relieve shingles, which is one type of rash. Anecdotal evidence suggests that hemp oil may reduce the inflammation and even protect the nerve cells (that are usually attacked in this condition). Consuming hemp oil could help you deal with the symptoms of pain, though more research is needed here.

But since each case of shingles could be unique, we suggest you talk to your doctor and take their advice on the way you need to use hemp oil to treat your condition. There also is limited research in this area. Hence, talking to your doctor should help.

Hemp seed oil may also be used to prevent sunburns. Some believe adding zinc oxide to the oil can boost its SPF rating (from a rating of 6). However, there is no research to support this. The oil could be one great way to soothe a sunburn as it is believed to protect the delicate layers of the skin.

Insufficient evidence for the following

11. May Aid Weight Loss

Studies have shown that individuals taking GLA supplements for a year gained back less weight (19). Since hemp oil is rich in GLA, it may also help in this aspect. However, there is no research supporting this statement.

The omega-3s in hemp seed oil may also contribute to weight loss in some way. But there is very little research to support this. Hence, it is important you talk to your doctor before using hemp seed oil for this purpose.

12. May Help Relieve PMS Symptoms

GLA may help ease menstrual cramps. Studies show that supplementation with fatty acid may not cause any side effects (20).

Anecdotal evidence also suggests that hemp seed oil may help treat breast tenderness, feelings of irritability and depression, and swelling. There is no research to support this, though.

13. May Boost Hair Growth

The healthy fats in hemp seed oil are believed to add moisture and shine to hair. The oil is also thought to strengthen fragile hair strands and can make your hair thicker. It may promote new hair growth as well.

Using the oil on the scalp, as per anecdotal evidence, may also reduce several scalp problems, including itchiness, dryness, and dandruff. The oil may also aid the treatment of scalp psoriasis.

These are the different ways hemp seed oil can benefit you. Knowing its nutritional profile can help you understand the benefits better.

What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Hemp Seed Oil?

Saturated Fat 1g Trans Fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg Sodium 0mg Total Carbohydrate 2g Dietary Fiber 1g Sugars 0g Protein 11g Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium Iron 16%

Now, we get to one important question – is hemp seed oil legal? Given that it is a cousin of marijuana, and marijuana is not yet legalized in several parts of the US, is it legal to use hemp seed oil? Are you breaking the law while buying hemp products?

Is Hemp Seed Oil Legal?

According to a report by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, hemp and marijuana are separate parts of the species of the cannabis plant (21). Under federal law, the focus of the government falls on those parts of the cannabis plant that are the sources of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the hallucinogenic substance in marijuana that causes people to get high.

Hemp does contain THC. Though it is present only in trace amounts and doesn’t get you high, it still does contain THC – and as per the rulebook, that’s a problem.

The good news is that most manufacturers who market hemp seed oil ensure there is no THC. Hence, the best way to go about it is to check the ingredients listed on the product labels. If there is no THC, you are good to go. Otherwise, go for a different manufacturer or take the advice of the store owner.

Some reputable brands of hemp seed oil that you don’t have to worry about include Nutiva and Canada Hemp Foods.

Hemp seed oil also has some side effects.

What Are The Side Effects Of Hemp Seed Oil?

Interaction With Blood Thinners

Hemp seed oil can slow down blood clotting and lead to bleeding. Though there is no direct research, one study states how cannabidiol can interfere with warfarin (a blood thinner) (22). Hence, don’t use it if you are taking blood thinners or have a surgery scheduled within a month.

THC Effects

Though highly unlikely, you may experience hallucination or euphoria on consuming the seeds/oil (23). To avoid this, you may want to get into the habit of checking the product labels and go only with trusted brands.

Digestive Issues

Research is limited in this aspect. This could be true with the seeds and not the oil. The high fiber content might lead to constipation, gas, or diarrhea (when you quickly increase your fiber intake and don’t drink enough water).


As hemp seed oil belongs to the same family as marijuana, its availability and legality could be a problem at times. However, if you procure it from the right vendors, you should not have a problem.

More research is needed to validate some of the popular benefits of hemp seed oil. While there may not be a major risk of using this oil (sparingly), we suggest you check with your doctor before you do so.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Does hemp seed oil contain CBD?

Yes, but only in trace amounts. CBD (like THC) is another compound found in the cannabis plant.

Can hemp seed oil get you high?

No. Hemp seed oil will not get you high if you go with the right brand.

Can hemp seed oil affect a drug test?

No. The amounts of THC in the oil are negligible, so much that you may not even notice the symptoms of euphoria. If you stick to the right brand, you won’t have a thing to worry about.

How much of hemp seed oil can you take in a day?

You can take about 1 to 2 tablespoons of the oil.

Any substitute for hemp seed oil?

Olive oil is one good substitute. Olive and hemp oils are two oils you can find in their unprocessed state, which means you can get the most nutrients.

What about hemp seed oil for cooking?

You can use the oil for everyday cooking, just like any other oil.

What is the shelf life of hemp seed oil?

The average shelf life is 14 months or whatever the label on the bottle says.

What is cold-pressed hemp seed oil?

It is the oil pressed from hemp seeds, which is how the oil is made.

23 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • The cardiac and haemostatic effects of dietary hempseed, Nutrition & Metabolism, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Review of Anti-Inflammatory Herbal Medicines, Advances in Pharmacological Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • The Effects of Hempseed Meal Intake and Linoleic Acid on Drosophila Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Hypercholesterolemia, Molecules and Cells, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of hempseed and flaxseed oils on the profile of serum lipids, serum total and lipoprotein lipid concentrations and haemostatic factors, European Journal of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Essential fatty acids, nutritive value and oxidative stability of cold pressed hempseed (Cannabis sativa L.) oil from different varieties, United States Department of Agriculture.


  • Formulation, Characterization and Properties of Hemp Seed Oil and Its Emulsions, Molecules, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • A pilot clinical study of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme, British Journal of Cancer.


  • The current state and future perspectives of cannabinoids in cancer biology, Cancer Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Neural basis of anxiolytic effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in generalized social anxiety disorder: a preliminary report, Journal of Psychopharmacology, SAGE Journals.


  • Cannabis Essential Oil: A Preliminary Study for the Evaluation of the Brain Effects, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Long chain omega-3 fatty acid immunomodulation and the potential for adverse health outcomes, Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Pregnancy, Reviews in Obstetrics & Gynecology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Omega 3 oils and pregnancy, Midwifery today with international midwife, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids: Dietary sources, metabolism, and significance – A review, Life Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Nutritive quality of romanian hemp varieties (Cannabis sativa L.) with special focus on oil and metal contents of seeds, BMC Chemistry, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Sebaceous gland lipids, Dermato Endocrinology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Efficacy of dietary hempseed oil in patients with atopic dermatitis, The Journal of Dermatological Treatment, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Plants used to treat skin diseases, Pharmacognosy Review, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Gamma-linolenate reduces weight regain in formerly obese humans, The Journal of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Metabolism of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in women with dysmenorrhea, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Defining Hemp: A Fact Sheet, Federation of American Scientists.


  • An interaction between warfarin and cannabidiol, a case report, Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • The ameliorative effect of hemp seed hexane extracts on the Propionibacterium acnes-induced inflammation and lipogenesis in sebocytes, PloS One, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.



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